Exemples d'implem CQRS dans différents langages.
To be a good programmer, we should follow some easy to adopt habits to keep our programming career long-lasting. We got to produce flexible and adaptable software that adapts to the requirements that…
Guide on Hexagonal architecture, Clean architecture, Domain-Driven Design, best practices etc. - Sairyss/domain-driven-hexagon
Definitive answers and clarification on the purpose and use cases for Context and Redux
En discutant avec des développeurs, je remarque plusieurs choses : Nos approches sur l’architecture applicative du code sont différentes…
What is a Transactional Outbox Pattern? I describe the pattern, its pros and cons and provide a working implementation using Kotlin with Spring and PostgreSQL.
A guide to the fundamental concepts that underlie message queues, and how they apply to popular queueing systems available today.